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Multimedia Guide

Page history last edited by Andra M. Laubarie 7 years ago



Project Reference: 2015-1-IT02-KA204-015049

Programme: Erasmus+ 
Sub-programme: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices 
Strategic Partnerships for adult education 


EsCAIADE project

Centre for Educational Policy Development of GSEE

Fundacja "Instytut Badan i Innowacji w Edukacji"


IAL Innovazione Apprendimento Lavoro S.r.l. Impresa Sociale [Coordinator]

Rezekne Academy of Technologies

 Iniciativas de proyectos de formacion


The project






Analysis and research



Participatory Training Course 



Multimedia Guide



Get in touch


















Download the Guide in English


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                    Scarica la guida in italiano                                                      


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Lejupielādējiet ceļvedi latviešu valodā



 Κατεβάστε τον Οδηγό στα Ελληνικά


Download the evaluation tools in  English


customer satisfaction.docx

pre and post test with solutions.docx

schedule activities.docx

ESCALADE_self-evaluation_test_for_learners - second version.docx



Pobierz narzędzia oceny w języku polskim


satysfakcja konsumenta.docx

przed i po teście z rozwiązaniami.docx

test samooceny dla uczestników.docx

zaplanuj działania.docx

Scarica i formati in word in italiano 

customer satisfaction italiano.docx

ESCALADE_test di autovalutazione.docx

pre e post test con soluzioni.docx

pianificazione delle attività in gruppo.docx

Descarga la herramienta de evaluación en español

customer satisfaction _ES.docx


Planificación de actividades en grupo.docx

pre y post test con soluciones_ES.docx



Macisanas parbaude

klientu apmierinatiba

planosanas grupas


Κατεβάστε τα εργαλεία αξιολόγησης στα Ελληνικά


GR_customer satisfaction_report.docx


Trainees_Questionnaire 1_rev pre-post test_GR.docx

Τεστ αυτοαξιολόγησης_gr.docx




In this section, you will find the Multimedia Guide translated into national languages.

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This project is funded with support from the European Commission

This web-site and its content reflect the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.


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